Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm Baaaack!

Okay, so it's been a while... Alright, well over a year. My last post was in April 2010 and the one before that was reporting that Noah had just started walking. Wow, does time fly. Noah's been running circles around us for quite sometime now and so much has changed.

We have relocated from Los Angeles to Austin, TX. We bought a house. Jeremy has changed jobs. We have a new baby. Does that justify my long absence? What if I don't mention that it all took place in only the last 3 months?

Now that we live 1400 miles from our families there is an obligatino to keep up with the blog and update everyone on what's happening in our world. I'll probably spend the next few weeks posting old news since there's so much to catch up on, so bear with me! :)

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