Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm Baaaack!

Okay, so it's been a while... Alright, well over a year. My last post was in April 2010 and the one before that was reporting that Noah had just started walking. Wow, does time fly. Noah's been running circles around us for quite sometime now and so much has changed.

We have relocated from Los Angeles to Austin, TX. We bought a house. Jeremy has changed jobs. We have a new baby. Does that justify my long absence? What if I don't mention that it all took place in only the last 3 months?

Now that we live 1400 miles from our families there is an obligatino to keep up with the blog and update everyone on what's happening in our world. I'll probably spend the next few weeks posting old news since there's so much to catch up on, so bear with me! :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thanks, Mrs. S!

Just a thank you to Grammy's friend, Mrs. S, for passing on this super fun play structure to Noah. We had to put a stool inside so he can climb up, but he loves it, he runs in circles, up the steps, down the slide, run around, up the steps, down the slide... Thanks for passing it on- all that expended energy should make for some loooong naps! :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Noah Walking & Thanksgiving

Ugh, I'm so behind on this blog. I wish you couldn't see that it's now March 2010 and I'm barely posting about Thanksgiving. Just pretend this post has been here since November...

So, just a few days before Thanksgiving (Nov 24th to be exact), Noah stood up and took his first real steps on his own with no prompting or support from anyone! Actually, I almost didn't notice it. Our friends Amanda, Jack & Miles were over visiting. We hadn't seen them in a few weeks due to various illnesses in our family and theirs. But they were headed out of town for over a month so they stopped in to say goodbye. Miles, who is 3 weeks older than Noah had started walking in the weeks we hadn't seen them. Always careful, Noah had been cruising from furniture to furniture for months and months, but would very cautiously make sure to have a firm grip on the next location before he let go of the last. But, after Miles had been here only 45 minutes and was getting ready to leave, Noah stood up on his playmat in the corner and took his very first steps on his own! It was as if he'd thought to himself, "well, if Miles can do it, so can I!" When Jeremy came home from work an hour later, I held Noah on the rug, and let him go once Jeremy opened the door. He walked right to him, surprising Jeremy with his new skill!

That night, we packed up the car and headed north to Jeremy's brother, Josh & his wife, Jennie's house. We drove through the night letting Noah sleep in the car. Two days later we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with much of Jeremy's & Jennie's of family, and even my brother, Brad, who lives nearby. We ate a table for 20 with the most amazing turducken prepared entirely by Jennie's sister, Ashley. While in the Bay Area we were also able to visit our friends Pauline & Darryl and their little girl, Caitlyn.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We celebrated Noah's second Halloween in several ways! On Friday we went to Jeremy's office for their Halloween party where there were lots of fun things to do and plenty of candy to eat. On Saturday we went to Devon & Paul Davidson's 6th Annual Pumpkin Carving Pary. We ate some delicious food and Jeremy carved some pumpkins. Then we hit the Hattman's house for trick or treating. Noah was adorable dressed up as a dinosaur. Good times!

Underwood Family Farms- Fall Harvest Festival

In the week before Halloween, Noah and I were able to go to Underwood Family Farms in Moorpark for their Fall Harvest Festival. We had a great time with Amanda, Miles, Jack, Aunt Sara & cousin Amy It was so much fun with a petting zoo, a corn maze (that was quite "cornfusing", pumpkins, tractor rides and lots of hay pyramids to climb on!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Noah Turns 1!!!

On October 18 Noah celebrated his first birthday! We had a cowboy themed party at Grammy & Papa Baumgardner's house, which Noah promised to remember forever. Or at least until the next day. And he didn't in fact promise, it was more of a babble and a laugh. Anyhow, he celebrated with tons of faimly, a few friends and a giant red velvet cupcake, which he enjoyed thoroughly.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ryan and Steph's Wedding & Noah's Best Day Ever

We had a great weekend in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico celebrating Jeremy's brother, Ryan's wedding. It was a small, beautiful ceremony on the beach followed up by a dinner at a restaurant overlooking the water. Absolutely picturesque

Though the wedding was nice, Noah's favorite part of the trip was when uncle Davin gave him his first ice cream cone. He was absolutely oblivious to the 10 people surrounding him, laughing and taking pictures. His entire world consisted of nothing more than that ice cream.